Sep 6, 2022Photography - Ways of Artistic Expression (open day) 23/09/202323rd of September, 16:00, we are excited to invite you to open day, where David Meskhi will introduce you to "Photography - Ways of...
Sep 6, 2022Music Industry & Journalism in Digital Age (Open Day) 15/09/2023We are excited to invite you to CES open day, 15th of September, 14:00, where Rezi Khuntselia and Jaba Savishvili will introduce you to...
Aug 23, 2022Register now for DJ course Tutor: Vaxy & DJ Sendnudes Duration: 2 months Hours: 2 hours per week + 1 hour studio practice time Price: 1000 GEL Language: ...
Jul 26, 2022Sound Engineering [open day] 25/09/2024We are pleased to invite you to open day of Sound Engineering program, which will be held at CES on September 25th, 20:00. The program...