We are delighted to invite you to Ben Wheelers "ADVANCED SYNTHESIS: THEORY AND COMPOSITION" open day, 5th of October, Saturday, 17:00.
Tutor: Ben Wheeler
Duration: 3 months
Hours: 4 hours per week
Price: 1140 GEL
Language: English
Course for graduates of the 101 course and/or for those familiar with basics of synthesis theory, modular systems, and the history of synthesizers. This course features multiple components:
An intensive study comprised of in-depth profiles of significant figures in synthesis history (Pauline Oliveros, Xenakis, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Caterina Barbieri, and many others) accompanied by score/recording analysis.
An expansion on modular systems that addresses more complex modules, providing a deeper focus on FM synthesis, granular synthesis, and sampling/field recording.
A profile of various contemporary module manufacturers , their approaches, and their offerings; there will be multiple Skype Q&As with representatives of different independent synth builders.
An overview of performance practice/live patching exercises, composition/notation/recording techniques, and film scoring.
Practical workshops for improvisation and collaboration with musicians performing on acoustic instruments.
Overall, the program is centered around expanding the knowledge and implementation of synthesis practice through bi-weekly assignments related to production and composition - to this end, each student during the course of the 2 month program will compile a portfolio of sketches, notated and recorded compositions, and a detailed description of their unique approach to synthesis. The course culminates in a event that will serve as both a final concert that features performances from each student and as an official release for each student’s portfolio compositions that will be published in the form of a digital EP.
Reading (digital copies will be provided by the instructor):
Analog Days
Trevor Pinch, Frank Trocco
Patch & Tweak - Exploring Modular Synthesis